Friday, November 7, 2014


Yesterday evening as I was scrolling through Twitter I came across a tweet from Laura Ritchie 

Intrigued by the phrasing, I clicked the link and saw just exactly what "drawing some music" was. 

So I pressed play and listened to the audio clip of one of her students, and decided I would draw (or attempt to with my limited artistic skills) what I heard from the music. 

At first I pictured an old, husky boat sailing through the darkest part of the ocean. Before I set my pencil to paper I played it once more. This time when I listened to it I saw not just a picture, but an entire story playing out. A kingdom long at war, finally coming to terms with a defeat and beginning to raise its white flag, hoping for a better tomorrow- or something like that. It was interesting to see the story music created. And along that path, with my double dosage of English this year (taking ap lit with preston, and TA-ing for a freshmen honors English class) I've realized the musicality in great pieces of literature like Hamlet, and Romeo and Juliet. 

It was a cool assignment from Laura Ritchie that I found could connect to my own courses. 

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