Thursday, January 15, 2015


1. Siddhartha has appeared in collections of Hesse’s writing under the title The Way Within. Why is this
appropriate? How is the novel a psychological journey? (Think beyond religion or spirituality.)

2. What does the novel ultimately suggest about the quest for knowledge?

3. Is this a novel about activity/experience/striving or about passivity/acceptance?

4. There are many Western elements in Siddhartha. Which ones do you see?

5. How can the presence of both Western and Eastern elements be a strength of the novel? How could
the presence of both be absolutely appropriate?

Courtesy of this website

I found the excerpt we read in class of Siddhartha to be quite intruguing. In fact, I have chosen to read the book for my literature analysis assignment. However, I am currerntly in no position to answer any of the above questions having only read a short excerpt of the novel. That would be like coming back from summer and writing an essay on a book I pretended to read but only googled the summary of. No one wants to read that word vomit.

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